Emily M. Bender
2005-04-05 04:21:17 UTC
Hi folks,
In the starting script file for the matrix, I have people
use read-tdl-lex-file-aux() rather than read-cached-lex-if-available(),
for two reasons: first, the lexicons are so small that caching
isn't necessary, and secondly, since multiple folks might work
on grammars on the same machine, things can get very confusing
when the cached lexicon from is from one grammar and just
happens to be more recent that the lexicon file the person
is currently using.
However, with the most current lkb (current source, likewise
the latest linux binary), I get an error when I do it this way:
Error: eof encountered on stream
#p"/home/bender/teaching/567/labs/matrix-567/lkb/script" closed @
read-cached-lex-if-available() works without problems.
One work around for this is to have folks edit their Version.lsp
so that the cache files don't collide, even if they use
different machines. But, I'm curious what is causing the error.
This used to work... Also, is there another way to avoid
In the starting script file for the matrix, I have people
use read-tdl-lex-file-aux() rather than read-cached-lex-if-available(),
for two reasons: first, the lexicons are so small that caching
isn't necessary, and secondly, since multiple folks might work
on grammars on the same machine, things can get very confusing
when the cached lexicon from is from one grammar and just
happens to be more recent that the lexicon file the person
is currently using.
However, with the most current lkb (current source, likewise
the latest linux binary), I get an error when I do it this way:
Error: eof encountered on stream
#p"/home/bender/teaching/567/labs/matrix-567/lkb/script" closed @
read-cached-lex-if-available() works without problems.
One work around for this is to have folks edit their Version.lsp
so that the cache files don't collide, even if they use
different machines. But, I'm curious what is causing the error.
This used to work... Also, is there another way to avoid